Monday, March 1, 2010

Bic pouder exfoliating+redness reduceing treetment

ive found somthing that reduces all red!!
Well most red
leaving minimal pink acne scars and preasent pimples
it reduces redness pinkness alot
it makes my skin look vary normal
and soft
like understandable acene

the red is only where the acne is and not all over.witch I seem to get alot
I should have taken a before and after shot

If I EVER EVER had to go outside the house with no makeup for any reason
I would defiantly do this before hand

I learned about this from Michelle phan on you tube

and my sister just recently bought some bic powder for her headaches(she seems to get them alot)

And I decided to try it out

Every time i do it
the result is vary nice

I am defiantly going to add this to my rutine
along with exfoliating

All you do with it is
Take 2 or three packets

and add them to a saucer
or cup
And than add minimal water
so that it turns into a paste
than spread this on your face
consentrateing on redness areas
and than wait
aslong as you want with it on
Though I must warn you If it drys out ital start to flake off your face
I just pat some more water over my face to extend treetment time

and just wash it off with water
or let it flake of naturaly

You can add honey to the mixture aswell
honey is a anti bacterial and a mild exfoliator and has healing powers

so it would make the treetment even more helpfull

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